Virtual Connectivity
Crossing borders digitally
Closing the gap
FlexiKonnect closes the digital divide with a pioneering connectivity solution
The Covid-19 pandemic has cast a spotlight on global inequalities in access to the internet. Many people in developing nations have no access to data or devices. This excludes them from the online world. By partnering with global organisations, FlexiKonnect offers a connectivity solution for virtual events to ensure equity and accessibility amongst delegates.
“Many delegates who received data and/or mobile device packages from FlexiKonnect had zero or very limited prior access to data. Now with access to this technology, these individuals have the opportunity to continue to be connected digitally worldwide.”
Emily T. Blitz, Conferences Director
International Aids Society
Geneva, Switzerland
How it works
FlexiKonnect partners with your organisation to provide online access to resource limited donor funded scholarship delegates to participate in your virtual event.
A preloaded Flexiroam data SIM card and where needed an affordable device are shipped to your scholarships delegates worldwide.
Connecting to the virtual event via Flexiroam’s global network of partners, your scholarship delegate is able to access the online event content with full support from our FlexiKonnect team.
Delegates connected
The International AIDS Conference is the world’s largest conference on HIV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 conference pivoted from a physical conference to an entirely online event. The International AIDS Society needed a partner to help address the digital accessibility divide and support the connectivity needs of their scholarship recipients for a virtual conference and approached Flexiroam Africa for a solution.
FlexiKonnect shipped smartphone devices and preloaded Flexiroam SIM cards to 1 000 delegates in 99 countries. The team also provided a dedicated Help Desk for several months while the AIDS2020:Virtual content was available on the conference platform.
The annual Virology Education paediatrics workshop is the only HIV meeting devoted to research in prevention and treatment for infants, children and adolescents.
On referral from the International AIDS Society, Virology Education, a medical education company based in The Netherlands, approached FlexiKonnect to provide connectivity support for their scholarship delegates.
FlexiKonnect provided preloaded SIM cards to delegates to take part in HIV Paediatrics and ran a dedicated connectivity Help Desk to support participants. Read more:
The HIV Research for Prevention Conference (HIVR4P) organized by the International AIDS Society was held virtually on 27 & 28 January and 3 & 4 February 2021.
HIVR4P fosters interdisciplinary knowledge-exchange on HIV vaccines, microbicides, PrEP, treatment as prevention and biomedical interventions as well as their related social and behavioural implications.
The International AIDS Society once again partnered with FlexiKonnect to provide accessibility support to their scholarship delegates from Africa. Smartphone devices and preloaded Flexiroam SIM cards were shipped to delegates across 7 African countries. Read more:
The annual INTEREST Conference from Virology Education is a scientific conference for HIV in Africa and brings together scientists involved in HIV treatment, pathogenesis, and prevention research from around the world.
FlexiKonnect connected scholarship delegates from Africa and elsewhere to the conference by providing preloaded data SIM cards and supporting delegates via a dedicated Help Desk. Read more:
key platform that brings together researchers, youth and other stakeholders working with adolescents affected by and living with HIV.
FlexiKonnect provided connectivity support to the group of scholarship delegates by shipping Flexiroam SIM cards preloaded with data with dedicated support from the Help Desk. Read more: